DScaler Logo Killer Filter

The Logo Killer Filter is an early attempt to deal with station logos added on to TV broadcasts.

It currently operates in one of three modes:

  1. Grey. In this mode the square selected is replaced by a grey square
  2. Limit to Max Value. In this mode all internal luma values over a specified maximum are clipped to a specified maximum
  3. Dynamic Max. In this mode the top and bottom egdes are used to calculate a dynamic maximum, all intenal luma values are then clipped to this maximum

Setting Default Description
Top 20 Number of pixels from top of the screen to top of logo rectangle
Left 20 Number of pixels from left of the screen to left of logo rectangle
Width 20 Width of the rectangle in pixels
Height 50 Height of the rectangle in pixels
Max 128 Maximum luma in "Limit to Max Value" mode.